Kelola Bistari Sdn Bhd

About Us.

Kelola Bistari Sdn Bhd (KBSB) owned by Sabahan Bumiputra that holds a major interest in convergent technology in the telecommunications, information and communication Technology Industry. While KBSB may be relatively new organization, this is a company with a core of experience professionals gathered from various industry key player and multinational corporations in the ICT industry.

KBSB commits itself to the new digital economy paradigm by providing professional technology, engineering and consultancy, services and solutions based on its core competency of converged internet and digital communications.

KBSB is an outcome driven organization, with a passion for results – in terms of values we can help our clients attain in their quest for excellence. KBSB prides itself on its dynamic environment – never content with status quo, KBSB constantly strives to challenge conventional knowledge in technology to bring the best solutions and marry the best technologies to our customers.

Our Team.

Kelola Bistari Sdn Bhd team embodies a team of highly skilled professionals that possess a vast amount of exposure and experiences locally and globally. Each of team members possesses specialized industry knowledge and holds various industry certifications. The unique combination of the KBSB team adds value by introducing diverse approach and perspective based on industry standard and best practice.



We offer consultancy to support you throughout the transformation process, from developing and refining your ICT vision. KBSB works with client to devise a set of Telecommunications and ICT standards, best practice and workflows that satisfy current and future requirements. KBSB’s consultancy services include:

• Project Management

Provides expertise in the planning and implementation of IT projects through professional control, process and techniques to coordinate resources and achieve targeted results

• Network, System, Backup and Storage and application infrastructure

Asses, Audit, Design, Development, engineering, integration and implementation

• Security

Assess the range of potential IT-related causes and effects, and their implications to your business operations with guidelines to minimize such risks in the future

• Asset Management

Establishes a system to track and manage in your IT infrastructure components which helps to control cost by reducing the time and personnel required to collect and compile inventory information

Technology Solution

KBSB’s Technology solutions provide products lifecycle research, selection, introduction, maintenance and sun setting of all ICT infrastructure components. KBSB determines the best technological path for the organization going forward and commission the work to attain the goals. KBSB’s technology solutions activities includes:

  • Network Infrastructure
  • Wireless Solutions
  • System and Applications
  • Document Management system
  • Backup and storage
  • Virtualization
  • Cloud Computing
  • Security and anti-virus
  • Green Computing
  • Data Centre

Engineering Services

  • Design, Installation, deployment, engineering and migration
  • Maintenance and support services

@ Telecommunications

KBSB provides solutions and professional services for your telecommunications and infrastructure need. The company‘s main activates include:

Technology Solutions and Consultancy

  • Optical Fiber and structured cable solution
  • Telecom and telecommunications products range
  • Cable Certifications

Engineering Services

  • Telecommunications Tower
  • Logistics planning & application
  • Building Wiring
  • Cable Management
  • Design, installation, testing and commissioning of structured cables and fiber optics.
  • Site acquisition
  • Civil works
  • Management and Maintenance

Our Partners.

At KBSB we recognized and responded to a need for increasingly more complex solutions that also have to be made available within a much shorter time-frame. Our commitment to delivering the best solutions has led us to the realization that we best be able to meet the new demands through strategic alliances. Thus, we welcome and continue to actively pursue opportunities to work with compatible organizations - capitalizing on synergies which strengthened and widen our range of solutions and services.

Contact Information

Corporate Address

Lot 6A08, 6th Floor, Block A,
Karamunsing Complex,
88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Phone: (+6) 088-272651 / 272652

Fax: (+6) 088-272653


Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM